An astrology journey
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Why Astrology?

Astrology is used very effectively in the hands of competent practitioners as a tool for choosing the perfect date for a wedding, a root canal, or launching a successful business.
However, one of its greatest contributions is in demystifying the human psyche. Astrological interpretation provides the basis for building a psychological profile of an individual or event based on the placement of the planets in Astrological signs and in the 12 chart houses at the time of birth.
Along with planets, signs, and houses, astrologers carefully consider the interaction and relationship of each planet to the others. Collectively, we can build an insightful picture.
They can describe how a person is likely to express their feelings. An Astrology chart also holds information about where we feel wounded, alone, alienated or ineffective. Fortunately they also can tell us about our strengths and greatest personal assets.
Why Tarot?

There is no denying that Astrology and Tarot are deeply linked. Both philosophies consult the astral world for guidance. While in astrology, zodiac signs and readings focus more on planets and their positioning, tarot focuses on the mythical power of the astral world.
Astrology plays a major role in the interpretation of the cards and the meanings in Tarot. The spread in tarot often looks like a constellation. One of the biggest links between astrology and Tarot was set with the emergence of the Order of the Golden Dawn, an esoteric order that was deeply connected with astrology and spirituality. Several decks have emerged as a result of the work of this order, including the Thoth Tarot, the Golden Dawn Tarot, the BOTA Tarot, and the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot.
One thing that is dissimilar when it comes to astrology and Tarot is their reputation. Astrology is calculable and is very closely related to mathematics. In the days of the Roman Empire, astrologers were actually called mathematicians. As such, astrology makes people feel safe, as it can be calculated. Tarot, on the other hand, has its own reading and meaning, and it is often different depending on the reader.
Why Feng Shui?

Feng shui is an ancient art and science that was formalized over 3,000 years ago in China. In literal translation feng means "wind" and shui means "water." In Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortune.
Although regarded by some in the scientific community as a pseudo-science, feng shui has had an impact on the aesthetics of interior design and the architectural layout of living and working spaces both in its native eastern and, more recently, western cultures.
Since good fortune comes in many forms, including better health, a successful career, or fulfilling love life, feng shui practice includes detailed tips for almost every area of your life. The main tools used in analyzing the feng shui of any space are the feng shuicompass and the Bagua.